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Carissa W
Mar 02, 2015 rated it did not like it
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I want to be nice. I really similar Catelynn and Tyler and their strength and story is then inspiring. However, the volume was a really hard read due to the fact that there were many grammatical errors, too many redundancies, and sentences/thoughts that started just never finished. The book read equally if you were sitting in a room with them and merely listening to them talk, of which I can guess that, that is how they intended, yet I expected information technology to read similar a memoir, but they didn't fifty-fifty come close! I was s I want to exist prissy. I actually like Catelynn and Tyler and their strength and story is so inspiring. Yet, the book was a actually hard read due to the fact that there were many grammatical errors, too many redundancies, and sentences/thoughts that started but never finished. The book read as if you were sitting in a room with them and just listening to them talk, of which I can estimate that, that is how they intended, yet I expected information technology to read like a memoir, but they didn't fifty-fifty come close! I was so disappointed, I returned the book and requested a refund. As a writer, I connected to want to exercise a re-write throughout the book. I am the type of person that, when I start something, especially a book, I must finish it. I spent my reading time annoyed and "yelling" at the incompetent editor that had his hands on this book...what a way to brand Catelynn and Tyler announced as though they never made it out of the trailer park, when they are in fact educated. I do wish that they had ameliorate guidance when telling their story. ...more
Riley Dawson Hushak
The writing was crap, and I didn't learn much that I didn't already know from teen mom, which is to say, Catelynn is a sweetie and Tyler is a poop. The writing was crap, and I didn't acquire much that I didn't already know from teen mom, which is to say, Catelynn is a sweetie and Tyler is a poop. ...more
Courtney Bauman
Interesting just repetitive.

I've followed Teen mom since the outset so I was very interested in reading near Tyler & Catelynn's childhood and hearing their in depth thoughts and feelings about their adoption experience. I really enjoyed learning virtually their pasts but I felt the rest of the book was pretty repetitive. I pretty much just skimmed through the final ii chapters because of that.

Interesting merely repetitive.

I've followed Teen mom since the beginning so I was very interested in reading about Tyler & Catelynn's childhood and hearing their in depth thoughts and feelings about their adoption experience. I really enjoyed learning most their pasts simply I felt the rest of the book was pretty repetitive. I pretty much just skimmed through the concluding two capacity because of that.

Jennifer Harker
I was underwhelmed by this. It was more than like they were telling their story and giving advice the whole style through when really all I wanted was to hear their story. I feel like I didn't become plenty background on them and their lives. Information technology was a pretty easy read and it was decent for what information technology was. I simply establish I got a niggling bored considering information technology did become repetitive with the "advice" I was underwhelmed past this. It was more like they were telling their story and giving advice the whole manner through when actually all I wanted was to hear their story. I feel like I didn't get enough groundwork on them and their lives. It was a pretty easy read and it was decent for what it was. I simply institute I got a piddling bored considering it did get repetitive with the "advice" ...more
Susan Bazzett-Griffith
I liked this short book, and I think information technology reflects well on its co-authors (plus, I'grand bold a ghostwriter/helper), equally it is refreshingly honest, if a bit precocious at times. Catelynn and Tyler practise not sugar coat their hardships, their early on experimentation with drugs and sex, their tumultuous relationships with their parents, but they also practice not let all of those past elements define or contain them in who they are today, or who they hope to be in the future. There is an underlying sweetness, re I liked this short book, and I retrieve it reflects well on its co-authors (plus, I'm assuming a ghostwriter/helper), as it is refreshingly honest, if a fleck precocious at times. Catelynn and Tyler do not carbohydrate coat their hardships, their early experimentation with drugs and sex, their tumultuous relationships with their parents, but they also exercise non let all of those past elements define or contain them in who they are today, or who they hope to be in the hereafter. There is an underlying sweetness, resiliency, and strength to these two Michigan kids, and this book makes you really want to root for them in the future. A good read for Teen Mom fans. Three stars. ...more than
Lisa-Marie Forge
I do think it'south great that these two shared their story through a book. Simply I found it quite repetitive. And I weren't overly keen on the writing way

But I do experience way more than educated on the adoption process. And then hopefully this has helped some people!

I practice think information technology'south great that these two shared their story through a volume. But I found information technology quite repetitive. And I weren't overly neat on the writing style

But I do experience way more than educated on the adoption process. Then hopefully this has helped some people!

Jan 26, 2019 rated it actually liked it
Catelynn and Tyler are my favourite couple from the 16 & Pregnant/Teen Mom franchise. Their decision to place their daughter with a family unit who could provide her a future they were unprepared for was both heart wrenching and heart-warming.

While they were very young when they discovered Catelynn was pregnant the camera showed their struggle to decide to place Carly. As a mother I know how heart breaking that decision would take been and I cried right along with the rest of the world who saw their

Catelynn and Tyler are my favourite couple from the 16 & Pregnant/Teen Mom franchise. Their conclusion to place their girl with a family who could provide her a hereafter they were unprepared for was both center wrenching and eye-warming.

While they were very young when they discovered Catelynn was pregnant the camera showed their struggle to determine to place Carly. As a mother I know how heart breaking that decision would have been and I cried right along with the remainder of the globe who saw their episode. They displayed astounding courage, especially when faced with such resentment and negative response from both Catelynn's mother and Tyler's begetter.

I followed their story via Teen Mom and they connected to amaze with their force and conviction in their decision. They have made amazing strides to become independent, financially secure and stable in both habitation and relationship. Their journey through life is nothing short of beauteous.

Perhaps it is the transition from t.v to paper that fell a little flat simply I struggled with their get-go book and theirs was one I was nigh looking forward too.

By and large this book is an engaging, interesting, transparent honest account of their lives thus far.

Their book begins with a dorsum story of how they became a couple and reveals insight into the people they used to be. If I hadn't been following their story via MTV I would have thought this was a book by much older individuals.

Their lives were not piece of cake and borderline abusive. Catelynn suffered tremendous amounts of neglect from her mother and in fact became a mother of sorts to her female parent who was in denial about her addictions.

The couple is upfront and honest about their experiences and revelations that led them to their decision to place their daughter.

It pains me to requite this volume anything less than an amazing review considering I truly admire everything they went through and their candidness about their life and what they wanted for the girl is truly inspirational, unfortunately this didn't interpret into written word very well.

The book lagged in many places and was often repetitive with Catelynn and Tyler each describing their version of the affiliate and and then with closing thoughts at the cease of each chapter rehashing everything that had already been said.

Some crucial events that helped shaped them equally both individuals and as a couple were only barely explained and I would like to have seen less passive voice, especially within the high emotional sections of the volume. Regrettably the concluding few chapters give the impression of existence rushed to get to the end of the book.

It would accept rounded out the book some more if extra time had been taken to really become in deep when talking about placing their daughter on an emotional level. Some pictures of the couple, especially in their younger 24-hour interval would take made a wonderful improver to their sweetness story.

Catelynn and Tyler complement each other in their strengths and weaknesses; this is clearly evident within the pages of this book and they don't shy away from each other'southward faults, or their own. It is clear to see the experience of having a babe at 16 and the decision they made for their daughter has helped them break a long standing wheel of habit and abuse and forge a life they know will make her proud one solar day.

This is a couple I adore and while I wouldn't want my children to come home meaning or get someone pregnant at 16, I practice hope they observe a partner and relationship every bit potent and equal as the relationship Catelynn and Tyler have.

In this book information technology shares the story of Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra and the struggles they have with not just there family relationships only also in that location human relationship together and the adoption the but them cocky thought. The couple kickoff met when her mom and his dad where married, that's when this whole story started. There parents marriage did not concluding,and so that'southward when they decided to requite there relationship a go. The two of them fell madly in honey, only they where not very skillful kids they both g In this volume information technology shares the story of Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra and the struggles they have with not simply there family unit relationships but also at that place relationship together and the adoption the just them cocky thought. The couple beginning met when her mom and his dad where married, that'due south when this whole story started. In that location parents marriage did not last,so that's when they decided to give there relationship a become. The two of them fell madly in love, but they where not very good kids they both got in trouble with drugs, and her mom was not happy her mom was a very ambitious and calumniating person. Cate did non have a good self esteem. when they both turned xvi they decided that they were both gear up for sex, "Everyone was doing it, it seamed." A few months later they institute out that she was significant. They told her mom and she was upset because she was sixteen but in that location was not much she could do. she and Tyler sat downwards to talk and decided that they did non think they where not ready to have a baby. together the went thought all at that place options (Abortion not going to happen to strenuous on her.) ( adoption something they where willing to consider.) And (to go on the baby but they are not prepare.) With put tell their parents they decided to go thought with adoption. When her mom found out she hit Cate saying. " I will take care of it its my blood." But intendance knew her mom was unstable. Tyler and Cate relied on i another for assist. Cates mom got assistance and started a good salubrious human relationship.
I loved this book they are 1 of my favorite teen mom og couples and it shows there struggles. I love there story , and too there love for one another. I dint similar the lay out of the book it went back and along between Catelynn and Tyler. Just I would still recommend this book to anyone looking for a astonishing volume.
...more than
Nov 06, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Tyler and Catelynn'south life exemplifies the value of choices. We make choices everyday that touch the management our lives will take. They chose to intermission the cycle of poverty and addiction that had held themselves and members of their families in bondage. They chose a different life for their daughter Carly past placing her up for adoption. They and so cull to build a life for themself that would allow whatsoever other children they had a risk at what they consider normalcy. Kudos to these young people. Tyler and Catelynn's life exemplifies the value of choices. We make choices everyday that bear on the management our lives volition take. They chose to pause the cycle of poverty and addiction that had held themselves and members of their families in bondage. They chose a different life for their daughter Carly by placing her up for adoption. They and then choose to build a life for themself that would let any other children they had a chance at what they consider normalcy. Kudos to these young people. ...more than
Dec 19, 2016 rated information technology liked it
Interesting as it provided a little more insight into their worlds simply very little details beyond what was already seen in the evidence. I was disappointed it didn't become into more than detail nearly their private histories. The terminal part of the book came beyond every bit more than self-help which simply seemed odd information technology me. Interesting as it provided a little more insight into their worlds but very niggling details beyond what was already seen in the show. I was disappointed it didn't go into more than detail about their individual histories. The last role of the book came beyond as more self-assist which but seemed odd it me. ...more

Later on watching them on Teen mom- and being 1 of my fav couples with their own unique story- I figured I would check out their book. I enjoyed it. Simply did I learn anything new, probably non annihilation I didn't already know from their show. Yet dear them and wish them the best!


After watching them on Teen mom- and being ane of my fav couples with their own unique story- I figured I would cheque out their volume. I enjoyed it. Simply did I learn anything new, probably non anything I didn't already know from their bear witness. Still honey them and wish them the best!

Ashley Rayford
I wasn't expecting much from this book, but it was enjoyable enough. If you're a fan of Teen Mom and Catelynn and Tyler's feel, y'all'll probably enjoy this. I didn't learn a lot of new information, just they tell their story in a pretty self enlightened way and offer communication for others who might exist going through the adoption process or being raised in a dysfunctional family equally they were. I wasn't expecting much from this volume, simply it was enjoyable plenty. If you're a fan of Teen Mom and Catelynn and Tyler's experience, you'll probably enjoy this. I didn't learn a lot of new information, but they tell their story in a pretty self enlightened way and offer advice for others who might be going through the adoption process or being raised in a dysfunctional family equally they were. ...more
Margaret Grachan
Very uplifting!

Catelynn and Tyler lay open their lives in an honest and sometimes painful way. Their story shows that each person can overcome adversity past facing the consequences not only of their dysfunctional family but also by choosing to do the right things. Their story should be read by anyone faced teen pregnancy.

Jessie C
Sep 18, 2017 rated it really liked information technology
1 of the ameliorate Teen Mom memoirs, enjoyed Catelynn and Tyler's perspective on their journey, and I like the reflection/advice at the end. Shared their story and I remember actually tried to assist others. I of the better Teen Mom memoirs, enjoyed Catelynn and Tyler's perspective on their journey, and I like the reflection/communication at the finish. Shared their story and I remember really tried to help others. ...more
Laura Brown

This book was fun to read with groovy messages. I loved how honest they were near who they used to be and how they inverse their lives for the meliorate. Yous guys are crawly and are making a departure in and then many peoples lives

Jules minne
It was a good book, and went into their childhood a scrap, a lot of it kinda was repetitive. Only I enjoyed it. They take a strong expert relationship together. It was more like a possibility book with a lot of the same positive quotes they repeated over and over
Ena Ross
Grest book

So loved this book. So proud of both of them. Feel like they are family. Can't wait til their next book!

Grest book

So loved this book. Then proud of both of them. Feel like they are family. Can't await til their next book!

Cassandra Pratt
Insightful immature Adults

I agree with most of their advise. No matter our situation, it is upward to us yo make it improve. They are very mature for their age.

Mar 12, 2019 rated it it was ok
It was skilful but i experience like watchimg the show goves you this emtire view. Was hopimg for more indepth on their adoption process along with overcoming their childhoos struggles.
Aug 28, 2019 rated it liked it
Eh. I wanted more in-depth from them. This felt more like pro adoption then an open tell all from them. This i fell flat for me.
This is a very quick read. It was nice to get some insight into them before they were on MTV. Worth a read I think.
Alyssa Jenkins
And so repetitive. I struggled through the second half 😩
Dec 03, 2020 rated it really liked information technology
I thought most of it was great and interesting and offered a very honest insight into their upbringing and adoption procedure. Just the last few chapters seemed like they were but written to make the book longer. The advice department didn't resonate with me, butit mighy with someone else.. I liked how the story was told from both of their views. I thought most of it was groovy and interesting and offered a very honest insight into their upbringing and adoption process. But the last few chapters seemed similar they were just written to make the book longer. The advice section didn't resonate with me, butit mighy with someone else.. I liked how the story was told from both of their views. ...more
Kelly Bishop
Ok read

Liked the book because I love cate and Tyler but the book seemed to exist more of a life lessons book than their story. Don't regret reading but probably wouldn't recommend

Heidi | Paper Safari Book Blog
I loved Catelynn and Tyler's very existent story of adoption on MTV. It wasn't sugar coated, you saw the pain. the hardship, and the force it took to place their baby for adoption. This book covers their before years and a picayune of the adoption journey.

Tyler definitely doesn't hold whatsoever punches and tells things like it is. Their babyhood was not all sunshine and roses and their story could have turned out very differently. The pregnancy seems to take been the wake up call they both needed to one thousand

I loved Catelynn and Tyler'due south very real story of adoption on MTV. It wasn't saccharide coated, you saw the pain. the hardship, and the strength information technology took to place their baby for adoption. This book covers their earlier years and a niggling of the adoption journey.

Tyler definitely doesn't agree whatsoever punches and tells things like it is. Their babyhood was not all sunshine and roses and their story could have turned out very differently. The pregnancy seems to have been the wake upwardly call they both needed to get their lives on a different path and break the cycle of habit, teen parenting and dysfunction in their families.

With the support of simply one parent each and the other fix actively fighting against them, they managed to arrive through a very difficult conclusion and seem to take gone on to aid others. They give speeches about their struggles and their fourth dimension on MTV has helped bring new awareness to adoption, the adoption procedure and how information technology is not like information technology was years agone. It likewise helps to dispel a lot of the myths surrounding adoption and the rosy or sometimes downright nightmarish way adoption tin often be portrayed in film and on tv.

I liked this book simply I wish it had been more. While it gives a skillful insight and perspective into the lives of nascency parents and reasons why they made the decision they did information technology didn't requite me enough near what has gone on since. Yes they finished high schoolhouse but that's about all I know. I wish information technology had given me more than on how they have pulled themselves out of the situations they were in. Did they go to higher? I know they aren't married yet are having an other baby, how long has it been since they placed their daughter for adoption?

I also found the book to be a bit repetitive in places. Each chapter has an introduction, the story from both Catelynn and Tylers perspectives and then a conclusion which is merely a summary of everything that was just said which could have been eliminated and made the book menstruation a little better. All in all though I think that this is a proficient read for anyone who feels they are stuck having to repeat the by or is starting to notice that they are on their way to repeating a bike in their family unit that has been passed down for generations. There is hope, there is a way out. Information technology may not be easy, it may not feel comfortable but information technology can happen.

...more than
Allegra S
Of all the TM franchise books I've read so far, this one had the well-nigh "behind-the-scenes" information about Cate and Ty'south story. For example, it's pretty shocking on the first page when Tyler starts talking nigh the fact that he likes Catelynn because she has the biggest boobs in 8th grade. That's a pretty weird and shocking argument taken out of context. Later on Tyler explains that (view spoiler)[he was a hypersexualized pre-teen because he was molested every bit a kid and had very conflicting feel Of all the TM franchise books I've read so far, this ane had the most "behind-the-scenes" data about Cate and Ty'south story. For instance, information technology'south pretty shocking on the kickoff folio when Tyler starts talking about the fact that he likes Catelynn considering she has the biggest boobs in 8th grade. That'south a pretty weird and shocking argument taken out of context. Afterwards on Tyler explains that (view spoiler)[he was a hypersexualized pre-teen considering he was molested as a kid and had very alien feelings about it (hibernate spoiler)].

We learn a lot, like how involved Butch was in Ty'southward upbringing, about Cate and her instability growing upwards, but I recall I learned the most about adoption and how modern adoption works. As y'all can imagine though, the writing is absolutely terrible and there was a lot of repetition. Things should have been a chip more organized.

Courtney (candidwithcourtney)
Millions of people effectually the world will recognize these two from their Teen Mom franchise, but through their memoir yous'll get to know a side of the couple that does not stop up on your television set screen.

It'southward not a secret that Catelynn and Tyler are 1 of the near dearest cast members of Teen Mom and appear to be the "goody 2 shoes" type, but in their volume they are quick to educate you on their mischievous past and previous drug utilize. I know what you're thinking…only it is true! The duo were pi

Millions of people around the globe will recognize these two from their Teen Mom franchise, but through their memoir you'll get to know a side of the couple that does non end upward on your boob tube screen.

It's not a underground that Catelynn and Tyler are ane of the most beloved cast members of Teen Mom and appear to be the "goody ii shoes" type, but in their book they are quick to educate you on their mischievous past and previous drug use. I know what y'all're thinking…but it is true! The duo were picking up some risky habits and exhibiting behaviors that could have landed them in some serious trouble, only once Catelynn plant out she was pregnant it all started to change.

Catelynn knew from a young age that she wanted to become a mother one day; she describes herself every bit very maternal and caring, which is piece of cake to pick up on if you watch the show. However, her home life at the time of the pregnancy was anything just stable. Ultimately, she and her young man decided it would exist in their child's best interest to be placed for adoption. This news did not go over well with their parents, which is captured on the television show.

"Less than one percent of women choose adoption for their babies. Ninety-nine percent of women who parent choose to get pregnant or accept an abortion. That's why it's then ironic and amazing that Catelynn chose adoption, considering for someone who had dreamed about parenthood for so long and had such a stiff maternal instinct, it was the ultimate sacrifice. She's in that i percent of women who fabricated that decision." -Tyler commenting on Catelynn's decision to place their first built-in child up for adoption.

It was no doubt the toughest decision the couple had faced up to that point in their human relationship, just they do not regret it one bit. They now advocate for adoption and go along in touch with their firstborn's adoptive parents through their advisor, Dawn.

...more than
Kylie Casbon
Jul 28, 2015 rated information technology it was amazing
This nonfiction volume is about Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra's journey together in life. Growing up in unhealthy and volatile environments caused them both to lash out in dissimilar ways at an early age. Tyler was never ane to accept authorization and respect others around him if he wasn't receiving the aforementioned in render. Catelynn, on the other manus, turned to bullying others because information technology was her way to channel the anger she bottled up inside. Both Catelynn and Tyler had to grow upward at an early on age an This nonfiction book is virtually Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra'southward journey together in life. Growing upward in unhealthy and volatile environments acquired them both to lash out in different ways at an early age. Tyler was never one to accept authority and respect others around him if he wasn't receiving the same in render. Catelynn, on the other hand, turned to bullying others considering it was her way to aqueduct the acrimony she bottled upwards inside. Both Catelynn and Tyler had to grow upward at an early age and become responsible for their parents, who were severe drug and booze addicts. At sixteen, Catelynn and Tyler were forced to abound upwards even faster after learning that Catelynn was pregnant. Both of them knew that they couldn't provide the life that they wanted to for their child at that point in their lives, but they wanted to make their conclusion of whether to keep their child or place it for adoption with the child's all-time interest in mind. Information technology took a lot of contemplating and stress but in the end, they were confident that they made the best pick for their child. Placing their child for adoption was a very hard decision, especially afterward she was born, but they both knew that the adoptive parents they chose would provide her with everything they couldn't give at that fourth dimension. After going through with the adoption, they decided that they wanted to go their story out there to help other teenagers who were struggling with having a baby at an early age and anyone who was struggling to make the choice of whether or non to place their child for adoption. In my stance, this book could accept a bully impact on anyone who reads it. They are proof that your upbringing doesn't limit what yous tin do in the future. ...more
Oct 12, 2015 rated it liked it
I only watched a couple episodes of the Goggle box shows that these folks were on, and then I knew of them but I didn't know very much about them. I knew they were the kids who chose adoption and I knew they had the least crazy electric current lives.

It was really interesting to read about the dysfunction that they grew up with. It was curious that they both just kind of decided to have a different path. No 1 especially encouraged them. Sure, they had some good role models here and there but it seemed like the ba

I simply watched a couple episodes of the TV shows that these folks were on, and then I knew of them merely I didn't know very much about them. I knew they were the kids who chose adoption and I knew they had the least crazy current lives.

Information technology was really interesting to read almost the dysfunction that they grew up with. Information technology was curious that they both merely kind of decided to take a different path. No ane specially encouraged them. Sure, they had some good role models here and there just information technology seemed like the bad ones outnumbered the good.

I had no idea both of them had parents that HIGHLY discouraged the adoption plan, all the mode upward to taking them to court! That must accept been heart wrenching!

I was shocked and disappointed that by the cease of this book, they were pregnant over again and still unmarried. (I see on the internet that they very recently finally got married). I would have liked to have read more about that. Like, what sort of emotions and thoughts happened when they learned they were dealing with another unplanned pregnancy? They are non in the same position they were with the kickoff, and then I'd similar to hear more than about what happened and led to the decision to parent the second babe. (This 2d pregnancy was 4 years after the first, and so it'southward nearly worlds away) I'd besides like to acquire about their decision to wait And then LONG for union. They were together for 10 YEARS before they got married.

Anyway, it was an interesting book. I don't think I've read a non-fiction book about placing one's child for adoption before. I've read about the other side, the adopting parents. But I haven't read a nascence parent's account. It'south a unique perspective that should be shared more often.


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